Hi there!

I’m an active runner and road cyclist by night, water winged swimmer and this is my blog. I live in Ontario Canada, have a great cat named Oscar, and I like peanut butter and toast. (And running in the rain.) Honda cars have been my pastime, until I find the time to build the perfect 1200 Civic for me.

What does 180 mean?

The definition of 180 is “Turn around, 180 degrees”

Active180.ca is inspired about how I turned my life around from being a couch potato, grease monkey and web site junky to a healthy lifestyle nut.

Through health problems along the way I was able to fight through it and the injuries to accomplish this new way of life. You can find advice that has worked for me, but may not suit you as everyone is different.
In the first year of my challenge I did a 120km bike ride, that was not enough for me I wanted more of a challenge. In an effort to improve my endurance doing a triathlon was in my sights, but injuries would hold me back, but not all was lost as I did my first running race and came in 140th out of 238 runners. My age group standing was 23/33. This was great.

I host an automotive website free to members as a hobby, so I thought it was time to do my own more personal site.

I started my own website many years ago to document and share my knowledge of restoring a 1978 Honda Civic (1stgenofDurham@rogers.com). Kept many articles and documents on repairs and modifications. Over time a community evolved. Along the way Civic1200.com members joined my site and has grown to over 2000 members. I now own Civic1200.com along with the site 1stGenCivic.com that I established in January 2000.

I grew up in the city of Toronto, Canada until I left home at the age of 14-15. Now I reside in a rural community in Durham.

Some of the things I enjoy are carpentry, upholstery, automotive restoration, photography/video, web design and keeping fit.

Quotes that have and hope to inspire me: git-r-done and Believe. You can find both on my road Id tag.

I hope you enjoy the site.

The Active180.ca is now on-line. There, you will find a constant source of information about the activities of contributors powering the change of an active life style. Read about my success stories, and see if this may give you the inspiration to get on board with a more active life.