
IMG_1961.JPGLearning that with TBI being more physically active I can improve depression, emotional and cognitive problems and symptoms, such as sleep problems, irritability, forgetting, and being disorganized.

Being a cyclist for a few years now I had decided to take up Kayaking as I have found being out on the water in a very quite environment very refreshing and calming without all the noise.

Hyperacusis – over-amplification of environmental sounds in the auditory pathways. Everyday sounds seem too loud, but other people aren’t complaining except me.

I had thought about Spinning during the off season and somehow got talked into swimming with a Triathlon Club, APTC to be exact.

Well this lead to pool time and a full membership where I learned my years of being overweight and having a bad bought of acid-reflex made it somewhat appear I was choking while swimming in the pool as the irritation affected my throat. I learned quick enough I would not be able to swim with the group as I was embarrassed I took up using a snorkel in the pool.

I would push through all this as my life and marriage depends on me getting to a better place in my life. Training for races would be my temporary freedom from a depression and thoughts of …………

I just want to get out there and be a better person.

These are the races.

2015 Race Season

Paris To Ancaster Bike Race
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2014 Race Season

Ajax 1/2 Marathon
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Oasis Zoo Run 10K
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Lakeside Sprint Duathlon
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Orillia Sprint Duathlon
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2013 Race Season

Ajax 1/2 Marathon
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Lindsay Milk Run 10k Race
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Oasis Zoo Run 10K
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2012 Race Season

Lindsay Milk Run 10k Race
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2011 Race Season

Flatwater Kayak Certification
